Who cheap buy or rent, pays a higher energy bill. That decision estate agency Dewaele Group, based on aanalysis of 4500 transactions.

A house of about 200,000 euros or a house with a rent of 500 euros have an average energy level of 500 kWh / m2. “Compared with new – where energy is often score below 100 kWh / m2 – is not very good,” said the real estate agency. In price range 300,000 to 400,000 euros in energy efficiency has been rising for 20 percent according to the analysis.

Apartments are ranked higher
Across all price ranges apartments score much better energy efficiency than houses. For example, the average energy score private apartments varies between 220 and 260 kWh / m2. In homes is that somewhere between 350 and 520 kWh / m2.

Unlike buyers know tenants very well that a higher rent is often offset by a lower energy bill, “says managing director Philip Dewaele. With buyers the position and the area is still more important than the energy rating of a property.

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Bron: http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/2764/milieu/article/detail/2564240/2015/12/22/Hogere-energiefactuur-voor-wie-goedkoop-koopt-of-huurt.dhtml & Dewaele Groep